As of right now, I am technically a recipient of a Bachelor of Computer Science degree, with a concentration in Mobile Application Software Engineering from Baker College. How do I feel? I feel amazing, tired, exhausted, and excited; all at the same time, like taking a bite out of a hamburger of emotions. It’s been a long winding road to get here, and I am definitely proud of myself. I did this for my parents, my wife, and of course myself. No doubt that is a great accomplishment, but I often feel like “was it even worth it?”.

I ask if it is worth it, because quite frankly, I don’t know what is supposed to happen now. I don’t see the flashing lights or the benefits of having this degree that I was promised by the media. I don’t see the flood of new high paying jobs coming my way. I don’t see new life-changing opportunities. I am also confident my current employer isn’t going to give me nothing more than a pat on the back; nor are they entitled to. To top it all off, I am now over $50,000 in debt. So was it even worth spending all this time and money to be allowed to say I have this degree, or would it have been better to focus it all on other things?

However, I suppose there is always a silver lining. I do see the happy smirk from my hard-working loving parents; the ones that escaped the deadly wars in the jungles of Laos so I could live the “American Dream”. I do see how proud my wife is of me from witnessing the frustrations and tiring efforts I’ve been through on this journey. I do see that anything can be done, given time and effort.

Congratulations, John, you did it. So what’s next?

Oh I don’t really know, but here’s a few things that are on my mind:

  • Become an entrepreneur
  • Get a graduate degree, certificate, or something of the sort
  • Invent something
  • Teach
  • Help the world
  • Become a professional hunter
  • Travel
  • Call my life good and cruise control for the rest of it (just kidding!)

All those things – and more –  would be definitely be nice. In any case, anything is possible.

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